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欢迎来到我们为家长和家庭提供的信息页面! 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 classes are geared towards developing leadership skills in college students. The freshman and sophomore classes are without obligation and are tuition free. 作为一名学生通过陆军后备军官训练队, students may decide to pursue the opportunity to become an officer in the Active Army, 陆军国民警卫队或美国陆军预备役. There are several types of scholarships available as well the Simultaneous Membership Program. 详情请参阅问答部分.

参加陆军后备军官训练队和参军一样吗? Once my child starts taking ROTC courses, are they obligated to join the Army?
不,参加后备军官训练队的学生不参加军队. 他们参加后备军官训练队的课程可以获得学分. 它被认为是一门大学选修课. Students pursue their "regular" college degree on campus like other students. Enrollment in the freshman and sophomore ROTC classes does not obligate anyone unless they are on a scholarship. However, if a student receives a ROTC scholarship, they will serve as commissioned officers in the U.S. 毕业后参军.

作为一名美国军官.S. 军队是最负盛名的军队之一, 一个美国公民所能从事的既困难又令人满意的职业. First and foremost an Officer is a leader: highly trained, disciplined and effective. 军官必须能够在压力下迅速做出明智的决定. Many former Army Officers have gone on to become CEOs of major corporations and have held positions of importance in government using their Officer training and experience as a competitive edge.

陆军后备军官训练队提供奖学金吗? 是的. Each year, hundreds of students attending colleges nationwide receive ROTC scholarships. 后备军官训练团向学习科学的学生颁发奖学金, 工程, 护理, 和业务, 还有很多其他专业.

ROTC奖学金每学期颁发一次. 有两个——, 两个半-, 3 -, 3 -and-a-half- and four-year scholarships available to qualified applicants. 高中申请者在全国范围内竞争奖学金. 每年的截止日期是1月10日. After January 10, applications are accepted at the local level only – directly to our department. The four-year scholarship window is March of your junior year through January 10 of your senior year in high school. 申请人的高中平均成绩必须不低于2分.5分,ACT最低19分或SAT最低920分.

申请校内奖学金, please contact the Recruiting Operations Officer at 208-885-6528 or by email at armyrotc@8051turk.com.

陆军后备军官训练队有哪些奖学金? 奖学金有追溯效力吗?
军队参加后备役军官训练军团 scholarships vary based on the length of time remaining for students to complete their degrees. 有两个——, 3 -, and four-year scholarships that pay for tuition and fees or room and board. 奖学金还包括年度图书津贴和每月津贴. If awarded a scholarship and eligibility requirements are met before the end of the semester, 该学期的学杂费将支付.

陆军后备军官训练队奖学金支付学费、学费或食宿费, 哪个学校的平均学费上限是多少. 奖学金获得者还可获得年度图书津贴, 以及高达4美元的津贴,000每学年.

后备军官训练队奖学金不以经济需要为基础. 相反,他们是根据成绩授予的. 优点体现在学习成绩和课外活动上, 比如运动, 学生会或兼职工作.

我的孩子获得奖学金的服务义务是什么, 或报名参加ROTC高级课程? 每个人都要承担8年的义务. Scholarship recipients have the following options, which are dependent on the type of scholarship:

  1. Four years active duty and the remaining four years in the Army National Guard (ARNG), 美国陆军预备队(USAR), 或非活动就绪储备(IRR)
  2. 在陆军国民警卫队(ARNG)服役八年
  3. 在美国陆军预备役(USAR)服役八年

Non-scholarship students must serve three years active duty and the remaining five years in the Army National Guard (ARNG), 美国陆军预备队(USAR), 或非活动就绪储备(IRR).

大学期间有服兵役的义务吗? ROTC学员在上大学期间没有军事义务.

只有奖学金获得者才能参加后备军官训练团吗? 任何人都可以报名参加后备军官训练班. 不管你是不是奖学金获得者, 所有后备军官训练队书籍, 用品和设备是免费提供给你的.

为什么我的孩子要选择陆军后备军官训练队而不是其他后备军官训练队? 军队提供了更广泛的职业机会, 在世界上更多的国家, 比其他任何军种都要多.

所有的大学专业都与陆军后备军官训练队兼容吗? 我大学的大多数学术专业都与ROTC兼容. 学生们就读于包括历史在内的各种专业, 工程, 化学, 计算机科学, 跨学科研究, 和经济学.

ROTC像“新兵训练营”吗?" No. ROTC学员直接进入伊利诺伊大学获得学位. 学生们照常上课并参加后备军官训练团的活动. ROTC要求学员每月参加一次陆军体能测试(APFT)。, 参加每学期一次的实地训练演习, 参加每周的后备军官训练团实验. 体能训练于每周一、三、五上午五时五分至上午七时进行. 后备军官训练队的课程被纳入正常的学生课程安排. 这些课程回顾陆军历史, 领导和管理的技巧和原则, 战术作战. ftx每年秋季和春季学期都会在当地发生. 在这里,学员们正在进行基本的小组训练, 分解和发出作业指令(opord), 陆地导航. Cadets also attend the Cadet Leader Course typically between their junior and senior year. 这是肯塔基州诺克斯堡为期四周的暑期课程.

后备军官训练队每周上多少课时? 后备军官训练队的课程并不比其他大学的选修课多. 每周只需要几个小时. 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 Cadets have the same lifestyles and academic schedules as any other college student. The time spent learning leadership principles is hands-on and generally replaces hours of research and homework associated with other college courses.

陆军后备军官训练队的课程是什么样的? 课堂作业将如何帮助我的孩子? 陆军后备军官训练班每学期通常包括一门选修课和一门实验室. 虽然课程包括实践训练和课堂作业, 它们是标准的大学课程,符合正常的学术时间表. These courses help students with personal and academic decision making while giving them the tools to exercise leadership in life.

后备军官训练队的课程包括什么? Freshman and sophomore classes study Army history, organization and structure. The 领导和管理的技巧和原则 are stressed throughout. Junior and senior classes teach tactical operations and military instruction as well as advanced techniques of management, 领导与指挥. ROTC trains students to become Officers in the Army, positions of great responsibility.

学生可以期望从后备军官训练队“得到”什么? ROTC prepares cadets for officership both physically and mentally with classroom work and adventure/leadership training. 可能的练习包括带领学员进行绳索下降, 激流漂流或攀岩.

陆军后备军官训练队对军队以外的职业生涯有什么好处? 陆军后备军官训练队是教授领导力的大学课程之一. 后备军官训练队的训练对任何涉及领导的职业都是无价的, 管理, 激励员工或培养团队精神. Young Army Officers are typically responsible for hundreds of Soldiers and millions of dollars of equipment; this kind of management experience can be very attractive to post-Army employers.

What are the chances that my child will be deployed to support the Global War on Terrorism? 在大学里,学员是不可部署的. 毕业后, the possibility of deployment depends on the Army branch the Cadet chooses and the unit that they are assigned. 军队的任务和挑战总是在变化, so there's no way to know in advance what specialties and units will be needed and where they will be needed. All Soldiers recognize the possibility of deployment at some point during their careers.

Can my child go into the Army Reserve or National Guard after graduation instead of the regular Army?
是的. 被选中的学员可以选择在美国兼职.S. 陆军预备役或陆军国民警卫队,同时追求平民事业.

陆军军官的典型职业道路是什么? 有哪些职业可供选择??
陆军后备军官训练队的毕业生被任命为美国军官.S. 陆军少尉(2LT). They receive specialized training in one of 16 different Army career branches. 了解更多 关于陆军职业分支. 在他们的军队生涯中, they'll receive regular professional training as they advance through the ranks and they'll have many opportunities for advanced leadership positions and post-graduate education.

What kind of salary and benefits will my child earn as a commissioned Army Officer?

  • 30天 支付 每年休假
  • 为自己和家属提供全面的医疗和牙科保险
  • 免费在职住房或每月住房津贴
  • 旅行支付
  • 便宜且免税购物
  • 提前退休的机会
  • 节俭储蓄计划(军队的401k计划)
  • 为自己和家属提供廉价的人寿保险
  • 读研究生的机会
  • 现役少尉的年收入约为51美元,每年000 (pay and housing allowances; 2016)
  • 三年内, the ROTC graduate on active duty will be a First Lieutenant earning approximately $70,每年000
  • 预备役或国民警卫队的少尉年收入约为7美元,每年500人每月工作一个周末,夏季工作两周. Reserve officers can easily quadruple their annual earnings as they progress in rank
  • 所有陆军军官都有资格领取飞行特别津贴, 跳伞, 搬迁, 危险的任务, 等




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