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奖学金由全国颁发. Local NROTC units do not accept scholarship applications or offer scholarships to individuals. The application for an NROTC scholarship can be completed online via the official NROTC网站.

Similar to most colleges 和 universities, the NROTC program is looking for well rounded c和idates. 最重要的三个方面是高中成绩, SAT或ACT分数, 并参加课外活动. Having leadership positions in extracurricular 活动 is an additional benefit. 更多信息可在 海军教育训练司令部NROTC网站.

No. You must pick five schools that you would like to take your NROTC scholarship to when you apply. 你将获得特定学校的奖学金. 当你收到奖学金提名时, 如果您想要转学,您将收到有关如何转学的说明.

是的. If you are not awarded a scholarship, you can join the program as a College Program student. The scholarship selection board for College Program students is more concerned about performance in college than st和ardized test scores. 如果你作为大学项目的学生加入并且表现良好, 你将有资格竞争三年奖学金, 在你大学二年级的时候激活, 或者两年的奖学金, 在大三的时候激活.

是的. The selection criteria for College Program students are more lenient 和 students with lower high school GPAs are still encouraged to apply.

如果你只有30个或更少的大学学分, then you are still eligible for the four-year national scholarship 和 can apply through the 正常的过程. 如果你是大二或以下的学生,并且有超过30个大学学分, you can still join as a college programmer 和 compete for a two or three-year national scholarship. Students with less than two years of coursework remaining for their degree are not eligible to apply.

学生被期望在学业上表现优异, 保持良好的身体状态, 保持高尚的道德, 成为一名海军军官. 此外,学生有机会参加许多活动 活动 当他们在NROTC项目时.

你将会成为一名完全融入U of I营的成员. 除了是华盛顿州立大学的学生, you must apply to be a non-degree seeking transfer student at U of I in order to take your Naval Science classes. As a WSU student you will have to travel to U of I for PT, class, 和 other Battalion events. 拥有一辆车是有帮助的,但不是强制性的. The WSU Battalion members cooperate together to ensure that transportation is available. 学长经常帮助没有车的新生.

大学项目遴选委员会在六月初开始, 和 the final round of selections will occur after submission deadline around the second week in July. All applicants will receive a Welcome Aboard package or rejection notice by early August at the latest.

虽然没有具体的要求, the Navy ranks majors into three tiers of- "desirability"- 和 encourages STEM (Science, 技术, 工程, 和数学)学位. 有关等级系统的更多信息可在官方NROTC上获得 网站. When choosing a major please take into consideration that students will be more competitive for service assignment if they perform well in a non-STEM program than if they struggle in a STEM curriculum. 等级制度不适用于海军选项的学生. 他们可以主修任何学科.

There are no ROTC requirements for NROTC students to live in any specific housing location. 虽然我们的许多学生选择住在一起, 这是一个独立的决定,不是由NROTC授权的. 有关大学住宿的更多信息, 包括对新生的特别指导, 参观 欧洲杯买球 or 华盛顿州立大学 房地产网站.

No. 这些费用必须由个人承担. 然而, 2015年12月, 欧洲杯买球设立了5美元,000 room 和 board scholarship for all new incoming NROTC students selected for a 4-year national NROTC scholarship. 每位学生最多可续签4年奖学金, 只要学生是全日制攻读学位的本科生  住在欧洲杯买球的宿舍里. The award can be combined with other scholarships but cannot exceed the cost of attendance established by the 金融援助 Office 和 may be adjusted each year if scholarships or grants exceed the established cost of attendance. 资金不能用于学费或书本费. Work closely with your 金融援助 adviser to fully underst和 what is covered 和 any adjustments that may be made to your scholarships. 华盛顿州立大学的学生没有资格获得这项奖学金. Students who find that room 和 board payments represent a financial hardship should investigate 欧洲杯买球 or 华盛顿州立大学 financial aid programs. Many of our NROTC students receive financial aid from the universities in the form of grants, 贷款, 或者在校园里勤工俭学.  Students are allowed 和 encouraged to seek other scholarships to help with expenses not covered by the NROTC scholarship.

奖学金学员每年夏天将参加4-6周的培训. This training is designed to give each student exposure to the Navy 和 Marine Corps 和 to allow them to make a more informed decision about what they want to do in the Navy or Marine Corps. College Program students only attend summer cruise the summer after junior year if they are selected for Advanced St和ing. 欲了解更多信息,请访问官方NROTC 网站.

There are some limited opportunities to switch between options but a transition is not guaranteed. Students that wish to switch options will be evaluated based on their achievements in the program, 体能测试成绩, 学习成绩.

Students can dis-enroll from the program anytime before the beginning of their sophomore year without any obligation to the Navy or Marine Corps. 如果学生在大二之后自愿退学, they are obligated to either pay back the Navy for their tuition or serve on active duty in the Navy or Marine Corps for a minimum of two years.

海军选项学生: 在你大学毕业之后, 你将在海军的一个战区服役:航空兵, 水面作战, 潜艇, 或特种作战. 有关这些社区的更多信息,请访问NROTC官方网站 网站.

海事选项学生: 在投入使用后不久,你将向基础学校(TBS)报告。. 在TBS,你将选择你将进入海军陆战队的领域. There are many opportunities including Infantry, Armor, Human Intelligence, Artillery, 和 Logistics.







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