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College of 研究生 Studies

Physical Address:
Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address:
College of 研究生 Studies
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017
莫斯科, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647



Interdisciplinary Studies

研究生跨学科研究学位的目标是,当学生的需求或愿望不属于既定的研究生课程时,为学生提供设计特定学习计划的机会. 学生可以选择文学硕士和理学硕士学位.

  1. A degree in interdisciplinary studies is not meant to be a watered-down master’s degree; it is a rigorous program that integrates two or more existing graduate programs.

  2. The degree will read “Master of 艺术” or “Master of Science” with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies; no other major will be recorded on the diploma or academic records. 然而, 成绩单将显示在研究生院注册期间所修的所有课程.

  3. 在跨学科项目中,学生必须愿意主动召集委员会,并负责确保满足所有要求并遵循所有程序.

  4. If the student chooses the thesis option, he or she may use up to six credits of INTR 500 toward the degree.

  5. 跨学科项目的学生必须阅读总目录的研究生部分,并确保他们符合毕业的所有要求.

  6. 跨学科的学生应该经常咨询他们的专业教授, 并应毫不犹豫地打电话或访问研究生院办公室,他们有疑问或问题.

What it takes — admission to the program

  1. Regular enrollment for graduate study leading toward an M.A. 或米.S. 具有以下条件的学生可以获得跨学科研究学士学位:(1)获得认可的认证协会认可的学院或大学的学士学位, and (2) has an undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 3.0或更高. Learn more about applying at 研究生 招生.

  2. 希望申请跨学科学位课程的学生应该在申请之前联系研究生院,讨论他或她建议的课程.

  3. The GRE is not required.

  4. With the application for admission, 学生必须提交一份书面声明,具体描述跨学科的建议,并概述他或她从事跨学科计划的原因. 学生必须有一位专业教授,他同意在拟议的项目中为学生提供咨询. 主要教授将是来自提案中指定的学科之一的教员,教授必须具有研究生教员地位. 如果学生选择论文选项,专业教授将担任论文指导.

Content and procedures

  1. 学生 and major professor nominate a program committee; the committee must have at least four members, at least one from each of the principal departments or disciplines involved in the student’s program; at least half of the committee members must be members of the 研究生 教师.

  2. 经过与专业教授的初步讨论和规划, 学生和委员会成员制定一份学生将要学习的课程清单(建议的学习计划). 学习计划必须满足大学对硕士学位的所有一般要求.A. 或米.S. (如美国大学目录的研究生部分所述-最低30学分, at least 18 at the 500 level), 并且必须把重点放在两个或两个以上系开设的课程上. 本学习计划须经委员会委员及研究生院院长一致同意. 课程安排和目录将帮助申请人准备一份可能的课程清单. 申请人将在录取声明中解释他们如何共同努力以实现他或她的职业目标.)

  3. 论文和非论文选项都需要一份全面的报告来评估学生整合该计划中所有学科的能力. 非论文报告表由专业教授提交研究生院.

  4. 学生, the major professor, 其他委员会成员必须在学生项目的早期就任何考试的性质达成一致, where applicable, 关于论文的性质和可授予的学分数.


In addition to courses drawn from two or more departments, 目录中跨学科研究“课程”部分的以下一些课程可能有用. 跨学科研究专业的学生需要注册500卢比的论文研究费用. Their registrations for independent study should be in INTR 502; for research not directly related to a thesis, INTR 599; and for seminar, INTR 501.

  • INTR 501: Seminar (credits arranged)

  • INTR 504: Special Topics

  • INTR 502: Independent Study

  • INTR 500: Master’s 研究 and Thesis

  • INTR 599: Non-thesis 研究


Your interdisciplinary idea may already exist. University-wide programs include: 

应用 to a new design?


College of 研究生 Studies

Physical Address:
Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address:
College of 研究生 Studies
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017
莫斯科, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

