

Anything you touch, smell or see contains natural or man-made chemicals. Chemists study these chemicals – and they invent new ones – to create new medicines, build stronger and safer 材料, 寻找新的能源, 还有更多.

在这个节目中, you will gain an understanding the properties of chemicals and other substances, how they interact with each other, 他们经历的变化, and the natural laws that cause these changes. You will develop strong research skills and learn how to apply your chemistry knowledge to solve problems in areas like medicine, 能源, 国家安全, 食品生产和保存, the environment and manufacturing.

In addition to the general program, the degree options are available in forensic science, 医学预科, 和专业. The professional option is accredited by the American Chemical Society and is intended for students who want to work directly in the field of chemistry or pursue graduate study in the field.

Chemistry students also pursue careers in education, medicine, private industry and forensic science.

This degree could be a good fit if you:

  • 有一个好奇的头脑
  • Are interested in the physical sciences
  • 有很强的职业道德
  • Are curious about how things work
  • 喜欢研究

With this degree, you could become a/an:

  • 研究 and development chemist
  • 工业过程化学家
  • 技术经理
  • 科学老师
  • 法医科学家
  • Analyst in mining and the oil industry
  • 政府的政策制定者
  • 环境顾问
  • 实验室技术员
  • 艺术品修复专家
  • 大气科学家
  • 酿酒师
  • Chemist in pharmaceutical, mining, 食物 and oil industries


以下是更多学位. 享受!