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博拉基金会 & 研讨会



电子邮件: martin@8051turk.com



4月3 - 4日



  • 制片人Rula Salameh



  • 鲁拉·萨拉梅,Just Vision


  • 前卢旺达驻美国大使卢达辛瓦(Theogene Rudasingwa)说.S.



Former President of 哥斯达黎加 and 1987 Nobel Peace Laureate Oscar Arias holds international stature as a spokesperson for the developing world. 倡导人类发展等问题, 民主, 和非军事化, he has traveled the globe spreading a message of peace and applying the lessons garnered from the Central American Peace Process to topics of current global debate. 《欧洲杯买球》报道说,阿里亚斯的“...positions on Central American issues have become the standards by which many people in Congress and elsewhere have come to judge United States policy.” In a similar way, he has come to take a leading position in international forum and discourse.

阿里亚斯于1940年出生在哥斯达黎加的埃雷迪亚. 他曾在哥斯达黎加大学学习法律和经济学. 他的论文, “Grupos de Presión en 哥斯达黎加” ("Pressure Groups in 哥斯达黎加"), 为他赢得了1971年国家论文奖. In 1974, he received a doctoral degree in political science at the University of Essex, England. After serving as Professor of Political Science at the University of 哥斯达黎加, Dr. Arias was appointed 哥斯达黎加n Minister of Planning and Economic Policy. He won a seat in Congress in 1978 and was elected secretary-general of the National Liberation Party in 1981. 1986年,他当选哥斯达黎加总统.

阿里亚斯上任时正值地区矛盾严重的时期. In the face of these threats, he intensified his efforts to promote peace. 甚至在担任总统之前, Arias traveled throughout Central and South America to personally invite the Latin American heads of state to visit 哥斯达黎加 for his presidential inauguration. On the day he took office, the presidents of nine Latin American countries met in San José. In this meeting he called for a continental alliance for the defense of 民主 and liberty. 在那一刻, 哥斯达黎加, 以阿里亚斯为首, assumed an active role in the search for 民主 and peace for the countries of the region.

In 1987, President Arias drafted a peace plan to end the regional crisis. 被广泛认为是阿里亚斯和平计划, his initiative culminated in the signing of the Esquipulas II Accords, or, the Procedure to Establish a Firm and Lasting Peace in Central America, 在8月7日举行的中美洲各国总统会议上, 1987. 同年,他被授予诺贝尔和平奖.

In 1988, Arias used the monetary award from the Nobel Peace Prize to establish the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress. 在基金会的赞助下, three programs were established: the Center for Human Progress to promote equal opportunities for women in all sectors of Central American society; the Center for Organized Participation to foster change-oriented philanthropy in Latin America; and the Center for Peace and Reconciliation to work for demilitarization and conflict resolution in the developing world. From these same headquarters, Arias has continued his pursuit of global peace and human security.

Arias has received approximately 50 honorary doctorates from colleges and universities including Harvard, 普林斯顿大学, 达特茅斯, 欧柏林, 马奎特, 和圣路易斯的华盛顿大学. 路易. He has also received numerous prizes, among them the Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Award; the Liberty Medal of Philadelphia; the Jackson Ralston Prize; the Prince of Asturias Award; the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award; and the Americas Award.

Arias participates actively in several international organizations. He serves on the Board of Directors of the International Center for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD) and Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (ECAAR). Dr. 阿里亚斯也在互动理事会的董事会任职, 卡特中心的国际谈判网络, 佩雷斯和平中心, 国际危机组织(ICG), 和透明国际. 除了, he has been part of the Commission on Global 治理 and the Stockholm International Peace 研究 Institute (SIPRI), and is currently a member of the Independent World Commission on the Oceans and of the International Olympic Committee 2000 (IOC 2000). 他也是美洲国家间对话的积极成员, 国际发展协会, 和Create 21, 朝日论坛.

虽然他最出名的是他在国际上的努力, he is also lauded for his capable management of the 哥斯达黎加n economy during his first presidential term. He believed in minimal government intervention and bureaucracy as a means to a prosperous economy. Under his leadership, 哥斯达黎加’s economy thrived and served as a model for neighboring countries. This superior economic growth was balanced by a strong social welfare program which included, 在其他项目中, 为穷人提供住房的倡议.

阿里亚斯是一位引人注目的总统, frequently venturing out in public on his own to listen to the concerns of the citizenry. 在1990年他的第一个任期结束后, 他仍然是“人民的人”,,倡导人类安全等创新理念, 全球治理, 人类发展.

In 2006, Arias was again recruited to run for the presidency of 哥斯达黎加. He won a narrow victory, becoming President of 哥斯达黎加 for the second time. His second tenure as President saw him pushing for world-wide disarmament; switching friendship with Taiwan for China; pushing through a regional free trade deal; attempting to help restore order in nearby Honduras; and promoting global improvement on environment issues. 阿里亚斯于2010年卸任总统.



博拉基金会 & 研讨会



电子邮件: martin@8051turk.com
